WP Placeholders

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Generate placeholder images on your WP instance


  • WordPress 5.x
  • PHP 5.3+


Download and unzip into a subfolder of your wp-content/plugins folder.

In your WordPress go to the Dashboard and then to Plugins, find the Placeholders plugin and activate it.


Create an img tag and in its src attribute call the url function from the Placeholders class:

<img src="<?php Placeholders::url(720, 480, true); ?>" alt="" class="img-responsive">

The first parameter is the width, the second one is the height and the last one controls whether to echo the generated URL or not.


MIT licensed

Includes the Roboto Regular font, which is covered by the Apache License 2.0, you can find more details here.


Author: biohzrdmx <github.com/biohzrdmx>

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PHP, WordPress